Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the "wherever life takes me, you'll find me with a smile" blog. ONE WEEK.

The challenge today was to capture CHANGES TO COME, which was such an easy concept for me because my brother had his last sporting event ever at North Central High School today. He has a ton of changes coming his way in the next six months, and I am so proud of everything he has done. It all started for him four years ago on this varsity baseball team, and tonight he played at NC's field for the last time in an Indians uniform. For those of us who have made it through high school (and college, and have life experience), we know how big of a moment this is. He is saying goodbye to a world that will never exist for him anymore, even if he does continue on to play college baseball. Jordan is a leader like no other, and he lives his life by the quote, "Wherever life takes me, you'll find me with a smile." He has learned to deal with hardships and losing seasons his entire career, but he still goes out every day and tries his best. I look up to him in more ways than he will ever know. Be proud of how far you have come, Brother Bear, and remember how much further you have to go. #workhardplayhard :)

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