Tuesday, May 7, 2013

the "I want to be like water. I want to slip through fingers, but hold up a ship" blog. a day late, but still day 12.

Until this point, I have been pretty good at blogging every day, and I'm super disappointed in myself that I missed a day, but yesterday was a huge struggle for me. In addition to being in a super tired zombie state of mind, I just wasn't feeling super inspired. I took a few photos but I felt like they were a bit forced, so I decided to just go to bed and regroup myself today. Turns out, that was a great decision. The challenge today was "something blue," and I immediately thought WATER. My brother and I were headed to dinner at the Happy Dragon on Monroe (by the Courthouse, if you've never been there, GO. It's delicious!!) tonight, so we stopped by the Falls and took a few photographs before dinner.

Water is a calming thing for me. I was raised with a million summer memories from Priest Lake, and I just find that when I am surround by a body of water, I am at peace. I wish I could have photographed Priest Lake for you all, to show you how beautiful it is, but our family hasn't opened up our cabin yet, so maybe soon. However, I have been blessed to be raised in Spokane, where water is everywhere. I live a block from Riverside State Park and could have walked down to the river to take some pictures for everyone, but I was feeling like photographing the falls today. See you all tomorrow :)

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