Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the "she reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live" blog. lucky 13!

In college, I didn't read any books outside of the world of academics. I simply didn't have the time I wanted to dedicate to reading when I had so much reading to do for classes and homework. Since graduation, I have made it a priority to read books, and I have been very successful in doing so. Reading is about the only habit of my many habits that I consider to be "a good habit," which was today's photo challenge. I love being transported by the written word to a land I might not ever get to visit except for in my imagination. I love developing relationships with fiction characters, being heartbroken when a book ends, and how, at the end of a really good series, you feel like your best friend just died or they are moving to a foreign country and you will never get to contact them again. Recently, I started reading books on my iPad, and I originally thought that I would hate it, but I don't. I like that I can start a new book immediately after I finish another one, but I still miss the comfort of a physical book. I spent today soaking up some sunshine and reading on my deck, and it was FABULOUS - AND I managed not to get sunburned! Go me! Happy Hump Day everybody!

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