Thursday, May 23, 2013

the "and He loves me, despite the fact that I fail Him - every day" blog. day 19!!

I know, I know - it has almost been A WEEK! But the weather has been garbage and I have turned into a bit of a hermit as of late. I have come to accept the fact that I do not want to be social all the time. And yes, this blog forces me to be social. Because in a way I am communicating with a lot of you all over the world - which I adore - but sometimes I just want to lay in my bed and watch an endless amount of Property Brothers on HGTV. Get over it :)

So, today (on "whatever the hell you want to shoot" day), I had some time to kill between an appointment and hang out time with my mama, and I ended up wandering around downtown Spokane for awhile. I took some shots, and I am going to post them on here for you today!  WOOO!  I also have a few pictures from the time I spent with my mom. One is a quote on the wall at the Title Nine store on South Perry Street by Lady Gaga which I LOVE. It was quite timely to be reminded that you can marry yourself to a person, and it may or may not work out, but if you work hard doing something you love, it will love you back every day of your life. I need something to love me every day of my life, because some days I don't even love myself. Another is a picture of three of the CUTEST dressed 20-something-lip-balm-selling-boys I have ever seen at the South Perry Farmer's Market that happens on Thursdays.

I am headed to the "midnight" showing of Fast and Furious 6 tonight and I am STOKED about it (p.s. "midnight" is in quotations because it doesn't actually happen at midnight... it happens at 10:30... lame, I know).

I missed you all. Thanks for being such loyal followers.

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