Thursday, May 9, 2013

the "our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind" blog. day 14!!

Not that I ever doubted it, but I decided today that I would love to work in a kitchen for the rest of my life... and not in the role of a housewife or mother or any of the stereotypical jokes about women belonging in a kitchen ways, but in a real way, where I get to create beautiful pieces of art with food and then enjoy the fruits of my labor. Whenever I complete a new recipe or make something that I really like, I want to share it with everyone. I want to give them something that they could not necessarily give themselves, a piece of my heart that is very simply a gift - something that I never expect to be returned.  Baking has always been a favorite hobby of mine, but now I find myself drawn more and more to cooking real food and loving every minute of it.

Today's photo challenge is "my favorite snack," so tonight, I made my favorite post-dinner, television watching snack. I usually make this snack when I have girlfriends over for movie night or something, but tonight I made it just for this challenge (AND BECAUSE IT IS DELICIOUS). This batch of popcorn had soft caramels, Rolo's, cut up Snickers, and Junior Mints. For those of you that want to try this at home, I simply popped some popcorn from a bag, you can air pop if you'd like, and then I layered the popcorn in a bowl while adding delicious chocolate treats between layers of popcorn. I cut the Snickers from a full candy bar size into smaller pieces to spread the wealth among the popcorn. Then you bake the layered popcorn/chocolate in the oven for 5-7 minutes on 200 degrees, and then let cool for 15-20 minutes before you enjoy!

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