Sunday, May 5, 2013

the "be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios" blog. photo challenge - day 11 style!

Yesterday and today's photo concepts sort of collide - and I'm loving it. In Zambezi, my wardrobe was much more vibrant and full of colors. Today, I photographed patterns. The point of this blog is to open up my world and show it to others who want to see. I photographed two things that hang above my bed tonight. One is a giraffe painted "M" that I spend some time painting earlier this year, and the other is a cut out elephant made of patterned scrapbook paper. I was in love with giraffes before I went to Zambia, but after our safari in Botswana, I had a new love for elephants that has only grown. I cannot wait to return to Africa someday to go on safari again - it was such an incredible experience!

For those of you that don't know, when I sort of lose myself (or begin to feel like I'm losing myself), I find myself creatively. All winter, I spent time making crafts I found on Pinterest, and now my room is fully redecorated with my own pieces of art, like these two things.

Sorry tonight's blog is so short, but my mama just got home from the Bahamas and we were catching up and chatting! Until tomorrow - Megan

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