Thursday, May 16, 2013

the "no one ever got blind by looking on the bright side" blog. day eighteen! :)

Good evening friends and family!

First of all, I would love love love to congratulate my cousin Bryce and his girl Kimberly for getting engaged this morning on a hot air balloon ride! I'm so excited for them to move to Spokane so I can show Kimberly how to be a 22-year-old in my town! :) Also, if you need engagement photos taken, I would adore the chance to take some...maybe. That might be a little too much pressure...

Anyways, today's photo concept is "experimenting with light," and I ended up in the car with my mom this evening. We went shopping at Auntie's Bookstore - one of my favorite places - and then the clouds & sunlight were GORGEOUS around 7 tonight. So, we headed up to Five Mile Prairie to one of my favorite spots and ended up watching the sun go down from there. I usually go up there alone and end up taking some pictures or using the time to reflect, but it was fun to share it with my mom and she even offered some different artistic advice. On a rare occasion (as in - it has never happened in the lifetime of this blog), I struggle to pick which pictures to put up, but today is one of those days. I am so happy with some of the pictures I got, and I am SO happy I get to share them with you. Hopefully you enjoy some of my favorites as much as I do.

Alright, this blog is kind of short tonight, but we are watching the season finale of Elementary and it is EPIIIIC. Love you all!

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