Wednesday, May 15, 2013

the "one day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" (freud) blog. SEVENTEEN.

Today's big concept was meant to be "something I want" - which is a hard thing for me to photograph because the things that I want to acquire are not exactly things that I can photograph (a marriage-worthy relationship, travel, love, a lifetime of laughter, a child that I adopt from another country).  I don't dream of material things very often, and I love that about myself. However, we had a deck guy come out today to advise us on some stain problems, and he pulled up to my house in an awesome Volkswagen hippie van, and I have ALWAYS wanted to photograph one of those, so I changed the challenge to be "something I have always wanted to photograph."  I see them in parking lots on occasion and either wish I had my camera or am too chicken to creep on some stranger's van. But, I asked Aaron, a.k.a. "deck guy," if I could photograph his van, and he was totally cool about it.

I do not know what has drawn me to the Volkswagen van for the last few years, but I am so happy I finally got to take some (non-creepy) pics! I have (secretly) always wanted to be a little bit more hippie - I think it fits my persona a bit (okay, not really a "stereotypical hippie," but I think I could pull it off... maybe if I was a little more hip?). I used to have perfect, wavy, hippie hair and I loved it, until I got sick of it and donated it to Pantene's Beautiful Length Charity. Anyways, I just think that if you drive a hippie van, you have to be happy. And I love being happy :)

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