Tuesday, April 30, 2013

the "if you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairytales" blog. DAY SIX.

Can I just start off by saying that you guys ROCK as viewers?! You can ask anyone that lives with me (a.k.a. my brother), I wake up excited every day to find out who is viewing this thing. It is such a fun project for me, and I am already dreading the end.

Today's photo challenge was AWESOME. I got to photograph my favorite Cabbage Patch Doll that I have had since I was an infant, Tabitha. You can tell she was well loved because her cloth skin is no longer "Caucasian." I staged the picture so that she was holding one of my favorite books when I was little, "Max and Diana and the Snowy Day." At one point in my life, at about age two, my mom thought I was a super genius child because she heard me reading in my room to myself one day. From down the hall, she could hear, "MAX! WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU, MAAAAX?" However, when she opened my door, she found the book upsidedown.... and I was reciting the book from memory... Thanks mama for reading my favorite book to me enough times to have it memorized :)

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