Friday, April 26, 2013

the "doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will" blog. day two photo challenge.

The title says it all. And I'm going to let the pictures do the talking today....

For those of you that would say you know me "very well," you would say that I follow the rules. Well, day two of the photo challenge was "what you wore" and I am putting my foot DOWN. I'm skipping day two because, honestly, who gives a shit that I wore yoga pants and a Target t-shirt again today? NOBODY. Instead, I'm breaking the rules and making my own "30 Day Photo Challenge" (where day #2 gets replaced by day #3... I know, creative, huh?)!

The new & improved list makes today CLOUD DAY. I LOVE CLOUDS.

This series is completely unedited. I simply took the picture from Strong Road on Five Mile Prairie, brought my camera home and uploaded the pictures. ENJOY, because I did.

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