Saturday, April 27, 2013

the "sky above me, earth below me, fire within me" blog. day 3!

First off, let me just say that I am glad I pushed up cloud day, because shooting clouds during a consistently overcast day would have stunk... big time.

Today's challenge was to shoot "something green." I had such a hard time deciding what green thing I wanted to shoot! But as I drove by the Spokane River, I decided that I would be publishing something nature related today. As the day got gloomier and gloomier, I ended up taking a break to get some fresh air in my backyard where I re-discovered some vines that have jumped the fence from my neighbor's yard. It was exactly what I needed. I needed the reminder that sometimes whatever you need is just on the other side of the fence. I needed the reminder that when you plant roots, you can spread to places never imagined, and that your wings aren't necessarily tamed just because you are rooted. I needed to be reminded that life is gift, and being alive is an incredible process in itself. At the time, I didn't know that a picture of some leaves was going to inspire me, but I'm glad it did. These leaves will be dead by the fall, and new ones will come back next spring, and the fact that things grow back is more special than I have realized... and you never know, maybe it will grow back as something better.

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