Monday, April 29, 2013

the "feed your faith & your doubts will starve to death" blog. day fiiiiive!

The challenge today was to capture an "obsession." Now, there are a lot of things I could have photographed, like Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" memes, or baseball players in baseball pants, or Dutch Bros. Lime Black Tea (today is the first day in about a week that I didn't get one! ahhh!). However, because of happy circumstances (named Jordan Wertman, who called me BEGGING for me to pick him up a pastry before his baseball game), I ended up at the Rocket Market on 43rd, where I reacquainted myself with their DELISH chocolate croissants. When I first started working up in that area in March, I ate one of these things every chance I got. I had to start walking to the Starbucks six blocks away just so I wouldn't buy one. I was (and still am, but with a little self control) OBSESSED with these things. Next time you are in the area, or by a Rocket Bakery (they're all over town), BUY ONE...but only one, because we need to share :)

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