Tuesday, June 18, 2013

the "don't be afraid to sit in the front row of your life" blog. day 24!

HOLY COW. It has been entirely too long since I last blogged! My apologies, followers!

So much has happened in the last few weeks. Jordan's graduated from high school and had an EPIC graduation party, some serious baseball travel (Yakima and Missoula - hooray!) and now we have family visiting from Southern Idaho.

I showed them around Manito Park - which is different than the Manito Park they have in Boise (fyi, Spokane parks > Boise parks). Tonight's theme is flowers, because I spent the night taking pictures of Mason and Jaime with flowers :) If you haven't been up to Manito lately, go check it out. Duncan Gardens has freshly planted flowers and the Rose Garden is just starting to blossom.

I had a busy day and have an even busier day tomorrow (Cat Tales, Green Bluff possibly, a Gonzaga tour, Riverfront Park, etc.), so goodnight y'all! :D

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