Thursday, June 27, 2013

the "don't let your dreams be dreams" blog. day 25 - ANIMALS (well, just one animal).

After many many days of rain, a Tuesday spent on the couch with my mom watching movies (literally 4 movies in one day), we finally ventured outside! With our friends Judy, Cassidy and Declan, my mom and I headed to Green Bluff to pick some strawberries. On our way up the bluff, we stopped by a farm to see one of my mom and I's 7th grade softball girls' alpacas! She happened to be there working with her mom and brother. For those of you that have never had the opportunity to see an alpaca up close, let me tell you, they are PRETTY. Their coat is SOFT, their eyes are HUGE, and are just like old people (they're missing their top teeth... haha). I took some photos for this blog about ANIMALS. If you were wondering, we don't do animals in our household. I have had a beta fish for nearly two years, and that is awesome in my family. We just don't have pets. However, I have come to love animals, minus the ones that cause an allergic reaction (uhm, cats, uhm)... I still don't like those :) I am so glad Chloe was there to show us around and that her brother, Liam, was around to be a very knowledgeable guide.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

the "don't be afraid to sit in the front row of your life" blog. day 24!

HOLY COW. It has been entirely too long since I last blogged! My apologies, followers!

So much has happened in the last few weeks. Jordan's graduated from high school and had an EPIC graduation party, some serious baseball travel (Yakima and Missoula - hooray!) and now we have family visiting from Southern Idaho.

I showed them around Manito Park - which is different than the Manito Park they have in Boise (fyi, Spokane parks > Boise parks). Tonight's theme is flowers, because I spent the night taking pictures of Mason and Jaime with flowers :) If you haven't been up to Manito lately, go check it out. Duncan Gardens has freshly planted flowers and the Rose Garden is just starting to blossom.

I had a busy day and have an even busier day tomorrow (Cat Tales, Green Bluff possibly, a Gonzaga tour, Riverfront Park, etc.), so goodnight y'all! :D